The grand final in the Garden of Harmony
The community building space Changi Experience Studio at Changi Airport Singapore aims at international travellers as well as locals. Common spirit and harmony are central brand values of Changi Airport. In the "Garden of Harmony", these are experienced in an immersive environment with an interactive sound installation.
The Travel Guide, the interactive tool with which visitors previously explored the exhibition, now becomes their individual instrument. Visitors become an orchestra and thus an active part of the show - as musicians of the ONE Changi Symphony. Virtual butterflies lure the visitors and tempt them to explore sound harmonies. By moving the Travel Guides, each visitor creates a personal sound. The melody changes its tone according to the vertical movements. The installation software then surprisingly harmonizes the generated melody with the surrounding sound. With the grand finale of the ONE Changi Symphony, the visitor is completely immersed in the heartbeat of Changi Airport.
How does it work? Travel Guide Technology
The Travel Guide is based on Milla & Partner‘s very own software framework development. This cutting-edge technology transforms objects of daily use into interactive media surfaces - creating a palpable digital world. The interaction is not controlled by two-dimensional gestures, such as with smartphones, but by spatial movements, which are adjusted individually to each scenario and allow a maximum of intuitive control. This seemingly magical interaction is possible by using light: via infrared markers, the system detects the position and motion of the object in hand. To strive for a seamless multimedia experience, it was essential from the very beginning to orchestrate the interplay of software and hardware and make the technology invisible.