A communication chain encompassing diverse media channels
Milla & Partner projects connect people with people, brands and themes. The universally recognized sign for connecting is the &.
The & is the central symbol of the new Milla & Partner corporate design. And the iconographic element in an installation that was created for the introduction of the new CD: the word pair installation „This is the AND“.
Three objectives were to be reached:
- Communication of the new corporate design.
- The extension of the architectural concept of "communication" into dialogue and digital media.
- Initiation of a creative and personal dialogue with 1,000 people.
Individual face-to-face-communication to and from the agency
A communication chain encompassing diverse media channels kicked off with the traditional letter. This requested readers to form word pairs on a special micro-site. To their surprise, they found themselves connected to The AND, the analog installation in the Milla & Partner agency, consisting of the ampersand and 20 vintage Telefunken displays. The word pair appeared live on the installation. In the agency, people were on standby for four weeks and reacted immediately to the input live before the camera. True individual interaction and face-to-face communication developed directly in the Milla premises.
1.725 construction units, 3.925 soldered connections, 5.000 lines of software-code ...