Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy


German Pavilion EXPO Shanghai 2010

The German Pavilion „balancity“ was Germany´s interpretation of the EXPO-theme „Better City, Better Life”, dedicated to ideas for a life in balance in the city of tomorrow.

With „balancity", Germany presented itself in a city in balance - a versatile, innovative, future-oriented country that simultaneously places great value on it´s roots and preserving traditions. Balance was the central theme that reflected everywhere in the pavilion. As a walk-through sculpture, the German Pavilion expressed the variety of life in the city – for today and tomorrow.

The tour through the exhibition is a journey through a city in balance.

Many of the exhibits were interactive using state-of-the art interfaces. People were activated and experienced for themselves how important it is to maintain a balance - between modernisation and preservation, innovation and tradition, community and the individual, work and leisure and between globalisation and national identity. The interactive show in the Energy Source, an awesome dome-like theatre, was the highlight of the tour. In line with the motto „together we can really make a difference“, 600 visitors together could influence and bring to life the sphere (3m diameter, 1.2 tons, 400.000 LEDs) and the entire room simply by their calls. The pavilion and its exhibits were an invitation to open dialogue.

„The first prize in the „Theme Development“ category for the German Pavilion led to a better understanding of the Chinese people for Germany.”

Li Keqiang, Chinese Premier, Süddeutsche Zeitung 5.1.2011

A team consisting of communication specialists Milla & Partner, the Munich-based Schmidhuber + Kaindl architectural and planning office and pavilion builder Nüssli (Deutschland) GmbH were responsible for the planning and construction of the German pavilion. The overall responsibilty for the pavilion lay with the German Ministry of Economics and Technology, organisation and operation with Koelnmesse.

  • Overall concept, design and realization of the exhibition and media concept
  • Development of entire content and topics
  • Acquisition and support of exhibition donors
  • Acquisition and support of sponsors
  • Training of operating personnel

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