Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy

Fields of Ideas

German Pavilion EXPO Milan 2015

EXPO 2015 in Milan showcases the theme „Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”, offering answers to the major future challenges of human nutrition. The German Pavilion creates awareness of the forces of nature as essential sources of our food, which must be protected more effectively and used more intelligently in the future.

At EXPO 2015, Germany presents itself as a vibrant and fertile landscape filled with ideas and solutions – evolved from a new and respectful relationship with nature. The pavilion offers visitors a new and quite unexpected Germany: open, warm, friendly and whimsical – clearly bringing the pavilion’s motto to life: “Fields of Ideas”.

The focus is not only on strong environmental policy and cutting-edge companies, but also on an exceptionally committed civil society. The German Pavilion offers visitors to EXPO 2015 insight into innovative and at times surprising approaches from Germany in human nutrition in the future, and invites visitors to take action themselves. Germany depicts agriculture as a strong, modern sector and an intrinsic aspect of its unique cultural landscape.

The "Fields of Ideas” name is reflected in the architecture – evoking Germany’s distinctive field and meadow landscapes – in the form of a gently rising landscape level.

The concept for the German Pavilion’s “Fields of Ideas” is characterised by a special interaction between spatial and content presentation. One of the pavilion’s key design elements are the stylised plants that grow as “idea seedlings” from the exhibition level below to the surface where a large canopy of leaves unfolds. These represent the connecting elements between indoor and outdoor space, between exhibition and architecture – where modern design using traditional materials, a natural ventilation concept and the economic use of resources converge. The Pavilion offers a completely new exhibition experience while actively involving its visitors. With the “SeedBoard”, a mobile interaction interface for navigating media exhibits and selectively accessing additional media information, visitors receive their own exhibition guide. The “SeedBoard” is based on the German Pavilion motto of a very personal “Field of Ideas”.

Final show: “Be(e) active” – making a difference together

The path through the exhibition culminates in the exciting “Be(e) active” show. Here, pavilion visitors experience the world of nutrition from an unusual perspective: through the eyes of a bee. Visitors take off with it on a fascinating flight over Germany – passing places and people who are involved in producing and distributing food. Led by two musical artists, the “BeeJs”, visitors become part of a large orchestra – with their voices, hands, and “SeedBoards” used as percussion instruments – joining in on the encounters, images and sounds along the journey. The process of creating the future together evolves into an inspiring message that brings people closer in a way that is light and fun.

„Milla & Partner contributed its expertise to the design of the content concept as well as the exhibition and media design of the German Pavilion. In this way, they played a key role in the success of the German presence at the World Expo in Milan.”

Sigmar Gabriel, Federal Minister for Trade

A big test field for a lot of work in progress

For mock-ups, dry runs and extensive audience testing we rented a 40 x 40 m large hall for eight months. Here, among other things, the „Seedboard” was developed and tested for the exhibition. The Seedboard is a completely new form of mobile interaction interface for navigating media exhibits and exploring additional media information - a tool that actively engages visitors. Also the casting and rehearsals for the bee-active show, as well as the programming of the bee's eyes took place in the test field.

ARGE German Pavilion EXPO 2015 Milan

On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, Messe Frankfurt has entrusted the German Pavilion EXPO 2015 Milan Consortium (ARGE) with the realisation of the German pavilion. The ARGE, as general contractor, has taken on design planning and construction of the German Pavilion and the exhibition. Milla & Partner is responsible for the content concept as well as the design of the exhibition and media. The SCHMIDHUBER architectural office in Munich is responsible for the pavilion’s spatial concept, its architecture and general planning. NÜSSLI DEUTSCHLAND from Roth (near Nuremberg) is responsible for project management and construction.

  • Overall concept, design and realization of the exhibition and media concept
  • Development of entire content and topics
  • Acquisition and support of exhibition donors
  • Acquisition and support of sponsors
  • Training of operating personnel
  • Design and development of the Pavilion website

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